Grammar Fast

Grammar Fast English Books ISBN Numbers

Grammar Fast

‘Grammar Fast’ is a grammar book for students at Beginner, Elementary, and Pre-Intermediate levels. It is designed to accompany or supplement any course at this level. Unlike many other grammar books, Grammar Fast is in full color and is richly illustrated with many entertaining pictures and visuals. 

‘Grammar Fast’ and ‘Grammar Fast Plus’ can also be used as Worksheets!

Key Features


Unit Format

Syllabus Based on Common European Framework

C.E.F A1 & A2 & A2+

Key Features

Graded Grammar Syllabus

Step-by-step grammar syllabus builds on what students already know

Separate Focus on each Individual Grammar Point

Each exercise tests only one grammar area, not a mixture of different areas

Vocabulary Builder Sections

Vocabulary Builder sections practice useful words and allocations (‘do the …’, ‘make a …’, ‘ ‘have a …’ etc.)

Clear Examples Supported by Color Illustrations

  • Grammar explained clearly and simply using tables and charts
  • Color photographs and artwork make examples easy to understand

Reading Passages for Comprehension

Clozed reading passages give practice in reading comprehension

'Try This!' and 'Study Tips'

  • Try this! sections with oral activities for pair and group work
  • Study Tips give students direction in their language studies

Test Material

‘Grammar Fast and Grammar Fast Plus’ Tests: two parallel tests on each unit’ including cloze passages for reading comprehension; these tests can also be used as Worksheets!

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