Get That Word Series

Simple Steps to Good Writing English Books ISBN Numbers

Get That Word 1

‘Get That Word 1’ is one of the series of three reading comprehension books with a variety of exercises.

As of Unit Format, each unit consists of a dialogue or reading passage followed by comprehension work and exercises. The exercises have the following aims: 

  • to help students understand how a written or spoken text is organized
  • to give practice in recognizing and using ‘text organization’ words like this, that, it, also and anyway
  • to practice ‘grammar words’ such as all, not, back, other and another
  • to teach conjunctions and other ways of combining clauses and sentences
  • to teach students the ways in which extra information can be added to a sentence using commas, brackets, and dashes
  • to teach punctuation 
  • to teach summary writing.

There are also exercises for oral practice and model dialogues in which students practice important features of informal spoken English. 

Key Features


Unit Format

Syllabus Based on Common European Framework

C.E.F A1 & A2

Key Features

Short, Two-Page Units

Dialogues as well as Reading Passages

Shows English as it is actually Spoken in Britain

Continuous Storyline with Appealing Characters

All new Vocabulary Explained Thoroughly

Color Illustrations

Simple Steps to Good Writing English Books ISBN Numbers

Get That Word 2

‘Get That Word 2’ is one of the series of three reading comprehension books with a variety of exercises.

As of Unit Format, each unit consists of a dialogue or reading passage followed by comprehension work and exercises. The exercises have the following aims: 

  • to help students understand how a written or spoken text is organized
  • to give practice in recognizing and using ‘text organization’ words like this, that, it, also and anyway
  • to practice ‘grammar words’ such as all, not, back, other and another
  • to teach conjunctions and other ways of combining clauses and sentences
  • to teach students the ways in which extra information can be added to a sentence using commas, brackets, and dashes
  • to teach punctuation 
  • to teach summary writing.

There are also exercises for oral practice and model dialogues in which students practice important features of informal spoken English. 

Key Features


Unit Format

Syllabus Based on Common European Framework

C.E.F A2+ & B1

Key Features

Short, Two-Page Units

Dialogues as well as Reading Passages

Shows English as it is actually Spoken in Britain

Continuous Storyline with Appealing Characters

All new Vocabulary Explained Thoroughly

Color Illustrations

Simple Steps to Good Writing English Books ISBN Numbers

Get That Word 3

‘Get That Word 3’ is one of the series of three reading comprehension books with a variety of exercises.

As of Unit Format, each unit consists of a dialogue or reading passage followed by comprehension work and exercises. The exercises have the following aims: 

  • to help students understand how a written or spoken text is organized
  • to give practice in recognizing and using ‘text organization’ words like this, that, it, also and anyway
  • to practice ‘grammar words’ such as all, not, back, other and another
  • to teach conjunctions and other ways of combining clauses and sentences
  • to teach students the ways in which extra information can be added to a sentence using commas, brackets, and dashes
  • to teach punctuation 
  • to teach summary writing.

There are also exercises for oral practice and model dialogues in which students practice important features of informal spoken English. 

Key Features


Unit Format

Syllabus Based on Common European Framework

C.E.F B1+ & B2

Key Features

Short, Two-Page Units

Dialogues as well as Reading Passages

Shows English as it is actually Spoken in Britain

Continuous Storyline with Appealing Characters

All new Vocabulary Explained Thoroughly

Color Illustrations

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